Using the map services by external aplications Using the map services by external aplications

Maps displayed at the National INSPIRE geo-portal are also available in the form of map services, which can be used in so-called thick clients (software applications) for further work with data. Map services are offered as standard WMS and are also available via SOAP services Esri ArcGIS Server. Both types of services have the same names and data display is visualized in the same.
The highlighted services, in the list indicated in the columns on the right, include pre-arranged tiles to increase the performance of mapping services. Applies both for WMS, and the ArcGIS Server SOAP interface.
  • WMS - If your GetMap request in S-JTSK (EPSG: 102067) include all services in the same order as listed in the WMS capabilities document services, the map server is using tiles for its answer, so you will achieve the fastest possible response to your request. If you send a request to only some of the layers, or in another coordinate system, eventually a different order of layers, the answer will be dynamically prepared from source data, which will have a negative impact on the response speed.
  • WMTS - Tile map services are also accessible through WMTS standard and S-JTSK coordinate system.
  • ArcGIS Server - When viewing the ArcGIS Server SOAP service in S-JTSK with ArcMap, which has created tiles, you are able to control the on and off display of the individual layers, the service is displayed exactly as the tiles are created. In case you need to use a different coordinate system, or you are interested in only some layers of the service, you must use the WMS version from the service with the same name.


WMS services
Map Services of the National INSPIRE Geoportal support standard WMS version 1.1.1. and 1.3.0. resp. INSPIRE View services based on standard WMS 1.3.0.

The URL form for the WMS connection is:<adresar>/<nazev_sluzby>/MapServer/WMSServer

All WMS service supports the following coordinate systems:

 name  CRS code
 S-JTSK  EPSG:102067, EPSG:5514
 S-42  EPSG:28403
 UTM-33N  EPSG:32633
 WGS-84  EPSG:4326
 ETRS89  EPSG:4258


An example of a WMS 1.3.0 GetMap request:,-1092000,-509000,-1089000&WIDTH=400&HEIGHT=300&CRS=EPSG:102067&Layers=0&version=1.3.0&service=WMS&format=image/jpeg&request=GetMap&styles=

The above service request for color orthophoto in S-JTSK returns the following map cut:,-1092000,-509000,-1089000&WIDTH=400&HEIGHT=300&CRS=EPSG:102067&Layers=0&version=1.3.0&service=WMS&format=image/jpeg&request=GetMap&styles=

WMTS services
Tile services of the National INSPIRE Geoportal support standard WMTS version 1.0.0.

The URL form for the WMTS connection is:<adresar>/<nazev_sluzby>/MapServer/WMTS

All WMTS services support coordinate system S-JTSK (EPSG: 5514 and EPSG: 102067) and in addition to standardized KVP offers a simpler REST interface.


Example of Get Capabilities request on III. Military Mapping Survey service:


Example URL of specific tile:




Both request are equivalent and returns the same tile:

ArcGIS Server SOAP services
To connect ESRI clients (such as ArcExplorer or ArcMap) the most simple method is to directly use SOAP services from the ArcGIS Server. They replace the IMS map services that were offered by an earlier version of ESRI map servers.

When using free GIS viewer ArcExplorer proceed through the choice "Add Content", then select "GIS Services" in the drop-down menu in a new window that appears, select "ArcGIS Server". For connection information enter: and click Next.

In the next window, click on the directory CENIA, then a list of available services is displayed.

If you select a WMS type of service in the drop-down menu, you can also use ArcExplorer to connect to WMS services.


Connecting a map service from ArcGIS Server in ArcMap:

When choosing a data source, select "Add ArcGIS Server", then "Use GIS Services".

Type a name from the ArcGIS Server in the connection dialog box and click Finish.

In the list of data sources will be added the item: "ArcGIS Server on ", select it and in the directory CENIA will be displayed a list of the available map services.

List of services

  • Services listed below are intended solely for non-commercial use, for commercial use please contact the primary data provider.

  • Tile Services are stated bold.


Web Map Services of the NGI
Basic web map services provided by National INSPIRE Geoportal.<adresar>/<nazev_sluzby>/MapServer/WMSServer

 folder/service_name displayed data
 CENIA/cenia_adresni_mista_CSU house numbers and road names
 CENIA/cenia_adresy_ulice čísla domů a názvy ulic
 CENIA/cenia_aleje alleys in Bohemia; alleys in Moravian-Silesian, Olomouc and Zlin Region
 CENIA/cenia_arccr topographic background layer – municipalities, roads, railways, water, forests
 CENIA/cenia_arccr_admin administrative places of NUTS regions and municipalities
 CENIA/cenia_brownfieldy brownfieldy from the database of CzechInvest
 CENIA/cenia_copernicus_land data from Copernicus Land Monitoring Services - CORINE Land Cover 1990, 2000, 2006 and change layers, High Resolution Layers, European Settlement Map, Riparian Zones, Natura 2000 - land cover, Urban Atlas
 CENIA/cenia_corine_2012 CORINE Land Cover 2012
 CENIA/cenia_emas subjects registered in EMAS platform
 CENIA/cenia_fragmentace_krajiny landscape traffic fragmentation, actual UAT polygons and prognosis
 CENIA/cenia_fytogeo classification of botanical-geography
 CENIA/cenia_geomorfologie geomorphology divisions
 CENIA/cenia_historicke_zahrady historic gardens, parks and cultural landscapes
 CENIA/cenia_hluk noise maps of Prague, Brno, Ostrava, roads, railways and the Prague airport
 CENIA/cenia_hrbitovy_pohrebiste location of cemeteries
 CENIA/cenia_hust_zalid population density
 CENIA/cenia_chranena_uzemi natural parks, ÚSES
 CENIA/cenia_irz sites presaged to the Integrated Pollution Register
 CENIA/cenia_jdvm vector map of land transportation and traffic counts in 2005
 CENIA/cenia_klady_map_ortofot nomenclature order of base and topographic maps, national map 1:5 000 and overview map of acquisition years of orthophoto map
 CENIA/cenia_klima climatic regions





bath water quality since 2006
 CENIA/cenia_ma21 information on Local Agenda 21 in the Czech Republic since 2006
 CENIA/cenia_obce_2000 municipalities with less than 2000 inhabitants and located in territories with specific environmental protection
 CENIA/cenia_obyv_byt number of residents per flat
 CENIA/cenia_posty post office addresses
 CENIA/cenia_ppv potential natural vegetation
 CENIA/cenia_prehledka key map for very small and small scales
 CENIA/cenia_prehledka_MD_katalog key map of NUTS regions in Europe up to the NUTS III level
 CENIA/cenia_rt_automapy road maps 1:800 000, 1:500 000, 1:300 000 and 1:150 000
 CENIA/cenia_rt_II_vojenske_mapovani II. military mapping survey (1806-1866)
 CENIA/cenia_rt_III_vojenske_mapovani III. military mapping survey (1876-1879)
 CENIA/cenia_rt_RETM raster equivalents of topographic map
 CENIA/cenia_skoly addresses of schools and educational institutions

administrative units borders – cadastre units, municipalities and NUTS regions

 CENIA/cenia_stinovani greyed relief
 CENIA/cenia_t_podklad basic topographic background – Digital Landscape Model 1:25 000 and other layers
 CENIA/cenia_t_popisky borders and names of regions, municipalities, cadastre units, road names and house numbers
 CENIA/cenia_typologie_krajiny landscape types
 CENIA/cenia_typy_pud soil type classification via Czech Taxonomy Classification of Soil System and WRB 2006
 CENIA/cenia_uhli building amenities – coal heating
 CENIA/cenia_urady managing borders of financial, registry and building offices
 CENIA/cenia_vetrne_elektrarny average wind speed in height 100 m above the ground and areas with sufficient wind potential for building-up the wind power plants
 CENIA/cenia_vitr_rychlost average wind speed in height 10 m above the ground
 CENIA/cenia_vybavenost_obci community facilities – sewerage, public libraries, hospitals, public water pipes, gas lines
 CENIA/cenia_zeleznice_stanice important railway points, railway stations and stops
 CENIA/cenia_zdroje_imisi sources of NO2, S02, PM25, PM10, BaP, Bzn imissions
 CENIA/cenia_zdroje_prasnosti sources of particulate matter emissions


INSPIRE View Services
Web map services created for mandatory providers under the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive.
 folder/service name
displayed data
 INSPIRE/I_7_letecka_dopravni_sit air transport network
 INSPIRE/I_9_MO_valecne_hroby war graves
 INSPIRE/III_1_CSU_statisticke_obvody statistic units
 INSPIRE/III_5_UZIS_NRPZS National Register of Health Services Providers
 INSPIRE/III_5_7_8_CHMU_ovzdusi air pollution characteristics, total emissions and air pollution monitoring stations network
 INSPIRE/III_7_CHMU_voda stations for monitoring of surface and ground water
 INSPIRE/III_10_CSU_rozlozeni_obyvatelstva population distribution – demography
 INSPIRE/III_14_CHMU_meteo_stanice measuring network of automatic meteorological, climatological and precipitation stations of CHMI


Web Map Services from the Project Activities
Web map services created within CENIA project activities.
 folder/service name displayed data
 projekty/ENVISEC Outputs from the project EnviSec "Integrated assessment of global change impacts on environmental security of the Czech Republic" (VG20122015091).
 projekty/MV_ceny_biomasy Price maps from the project "Analysis of the potential of biomass as a strategic resource for domestic energy needs in crisis situation" (VG20102013060). Data are displayed for the scales smaller than 1 : 50 000.
 projekty/MV_vynosy_biomasy Yields maps from the project "Analysis of the potential of biomass as a strategic resource for domestic energy needs in crisis situation" (VG20102013060). Data are displayed for the scales smaller than 1 : 50 000.
 projekty/NIKM Web map service for Contaminated sites application created within National Inventory of Contaminated Sites project (NIKM).
 projekty/SUDPLAN Outputs from the project SUDPLAN - air quality modeling.
 projekty/TACR_vynosy_biomasy Outputs from the project "Potential of biomass as energy source to cover local, regional and/or national fuel needs (TA04020970). Data are displayed for the scales smaller than 1 : 50 000.
 projekty/vav_biomasa_ceny Price maps from the project "Methodology and analysis of the potential of biomass in the Czech Republic" (VaV SP/3g1/24/07). Data are displayed for the scales smaller than 1 : 50 000.
 projekty/vav_biomasa_vynosy Yields maps from the project "Methodology and analysis of the potential of biomass in the Czech Republic" (VaV SP/3g1/24/07). Data are displayed for the scales smaller than 1 : 50 000.


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