Help - Maps
The icons in the map window provides the user with basic functionality for working with the map such as scrolling, zooming or switching between aerial photographs and topographical map. - pan - by holding the left mouse button and pulling, zoom - by pressing the "Ctrl" and drawing the designation of the bounding rectangle by the mouse, - step forward - clicking on this icon returns map view to the previous value scale, - step backward - clicking on this icon returns map view to the original value of the scale, - user graphics - using this tool allows user to create custom graphics and edit points, lines and polygons. In the panel "User graphics" are displayed parameters of drown graphics. Available user graphics tools are as follows: - select and modify feature - tool allows you to edit drown user graphics, - select and move feature - tool allows you to move elements of user graphics, - draw point - information about point are displayed in the panel "User graphics", - draw line - information about line are displayed in the panel "User graphics", - draw polygon - perimeter and area of drown areas are displayed in the panel "User graphics", - query - query the layers shown in the map - information including coordinates of selected point are displayed in the panel "INFO", - request to the Land Registry - opens new browser window "Browsing in the Land Registry" with information about the parcel in question. Registered users have the possibility to create and store map compositions. Information about the extent of the map window, displayed layers and their settings is stored. - Create new map composition - clears all layers of the map window. - Open new map composition - enables the download of your own map compositions in WMC format. - Save map content to WMC file - opens a dialog box to save the current map composition. It is necessary to fill the "Title" and "Abstract". Other fields are optional. Registered user can store his map compositions to the portal. The compositions are then placed in the panel "Map compositions" - the tab "My".
Options of the dialog box are:
Print module allowes the users to print or save to a file of currently displayed map compositions. Printing parameters can be adjusted directly in the print module. After clicking on the icon on the left top bar of the map window is launched in a new browser window print module. Print module allows the users to set the printing parameters and the type of output. Print settings:
Output format setting: - print - prints the current map composition, - save as image (PNG) - generates an image in PNG format, - save as georeferenced image (GeoTIFF) - generates georeferenced TIFF file.
To work with the map window you can also take advantage of advanced features that are found in the drop panels located in the right side of the page.
Contains a list of the underlying layers, which form the basic map set of map window. For these layers can be set the visibility, transparency, and can be changed their order. The list in this panel contains all the layers, which are displayed in the map window. In the basic list are commonly used layers, which can not be erased. Adding layers - this basic list can be further expanded. A map compositions can be added from the list of other existing mapping compositions by double clicking in the panel "Map compositions" (see Map composition) or it is possible to add your own external map composition using some of the OGC services (WMS, WFS, ...) in the panel Connect service. Folder structure - this tab allows thematic grouping of layers, this does not affect the order in which the layers are displayed in the map window, Layer order - order of the displayed layers can be changed in bookmark "Physical order" in the bottom of the panel "Layers". - layer icon, - queryable layer icon for layers which returns the attributes using , Filter - using a text string can filter out the desired layer from list of layers, - hide all visible layers - visibility to all visible layers is canceled, - show legend for all visible layers - legend of all visible layers is displayed, - remove layers added to the map - all the added layers are removed - create new folder - new folder is created in the layer list.
Layer detail - by clicking on the name of the layer dialog box is displayed with the details and settings of the layer:
Displays the query to the elements in the map window (layer attributes values). This panel displays the query results to the elements in the map window. Icons for querying are found in the upper left corner of the map window. - Query - by clicking to the map is displayed information on the relevant item from the selected layer in the map window. The information is displayed on the panel "Info". The panel displays the following information:
Contains a list of map compositions (both public and created by you and stored in geoportal). Sorting of maps:
Add a map composition to map view: 1. Clicking on an item in the list of maps dialog box appears, 2. "Overwrite Map" - all existing layers of maps are deleted and replaced by the selected map,
3. "Add to map" - selected map is added to the layers shown, 4 "Cancel" - cancels selected action (no action), 5. Layer of added maps are listed in the panel "Maps". The panel is used to connect external services such as standard OGS services (WMS). Connect service: 1. In the URL box insert the required services. 2. The list of supported OGC services select the type of service. 3. Click on button "Connect".
Service parameters: Service parameters are loaded. For WMS on:
Add service to map: 1. Select layers or press "Select All" to select all the layers together. 2. Click on "To map". 3. Selected layers are displayed in the map window and in the list of layers in the panel "Layers". Contains a list of georeports. In combination with map window can be used to generate selected georeport. This functionality is available only in Czech.
Georeports are tool for creating documents containing solution of specific life situation related to the specific position. For the user it displays description and solution for selected life situation including addresses of state institutions at which the living situation can be addressed. For a standard user of the Geoportal is a list of accessible georeports available in the map window in the right panel as the last item and includes:
Generating georeport: 1. The user clicks on georeport to be generate - the georeport is marked. 2. Next, click the "Run" button at the bottom of the panel - this activates selected georeport. 3. Now click on the map location to which life situations relates - a dialog that lists the parameters for the selected georeport is displayed.
4. The user sets the parameters of the georeport and confirm with "OK". 5. Dialog is displayed informing about generating georeport with the email address to which the generated georeport will be send. If the georeport is generated, then it is displayed in PDF format. Contains tools for measuring lines and polygons and tools for creating user graphics. - user graphics - using this tool allows user to create custom graphics and edit points, lines and polygons. In the panel "User graphics" are displayed parameters of drown graphics. Available user graphics tools are as follows: - select and modify feature - tool allows you to edit drown user graphics, - select and move feature - tool allows you to move elements of user graphics, - draw point - information about point are displayed in the panel "User graphics", - draw line - information about line are displayed in the panel "User graphics", - draw - polygon - perimeter and area of drown areas are displayed in the panel "User graphics".
| Help includes instructions on how to work with different parts of the geoportal.